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Music recommendations

async function createRecommendationPlaylist(userid, genre, recentlyPlayed, mostPlayed, likedTracks, currentlyPlaying, useAudioFeatures, useTrackSeeds, targetValues){
const recommendations = await vibify.createRecommendationPlaylist(userid, genre, recentlyPlayed, mostPlayed, likedTracks, currentlyPlaying, useAudioFeatures, useTrackSeeds, targetValues);
console.log('Recommendations:', recommendations);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
createRecommendationPlaylist('user-id', 'pop', true, true, true, false, true, false, {danceability: 0.8, energy: 0.8, valence: 0.8});

Or with cURL:

Terminal window
curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "x-api-key: (your api key)" -d "{\"id\":\"(your user id)\", \"genre\":\"pop\", \"recentlyPlayed\":true, \"mostPlayed\":true, \"likedTracks\":true, \"currentlyPlaying\":false}" "http://localhost:3000/recommendations"


Default parameters for the createRecommendationPlaylist function:

  • userId: No default value. required
  • genre: Default value is null. optional
  • recentlyPlayed: Default value is false. optional
  • mostPlayed: Default value is true. optional
  • likedTracks: Default value is true. optional
  • currentlyPlaying: Default value is false. optional
  • useAudioFeatures: Default value is true. optional
  • useTrackSeeds: Default value is false. optional
  • targetValues: Default value is an empty object {}. optional

